Legal Notice


The corporate name of the company that publishes the website is D.F.H.E. ADVISORS, a SAS with share capital of 15,078 Euros, registered at the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under No. 798 629 325.
The company is registered with ORIAS under No. 140 00 558 and with FCA No. 989 160 as an insurance intermediary.
The company’s registered office is: 72 rue du faubourg Saint Honoré, 75008 PARIS.
In accordance with Article L.512-6 of the Insurance Code, D.F.H.E. ADVISORS holds a Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy No. 0370006248 / RCCO000644 underwritten by QBE INSURANCE (EUROPE) LIMITED and with One Commercial Speciality (OCSINB2245452304/45452304).
The Director and officer responsible for this website is Mr. David ELINE; contact [@]
This website is hosted by MAC2, La Webintelligence, whose address is 2 rue Louis Pergaud, 94 700 Maisons-Alfort, T: 09 52 500 530. contact [@]



In order to respond to your requests for quotations or for subscription to an insurance policy, RIVIERA-EXPAT collects certain personal data relating to you.
Your personal data may also be collected in order to permit RIVIERA-EXPAT and its partners to send you commercial offers where, by agreeing to the General Terms of Use, you consent to your data being shared with those partners.
RIVIERA-EXPAT’s files containing such personal data have, as required by law, been registered with the National Commission for Data Protection and Civil Liberties, under regulatory declarations Nos. 733701 v 0 and 1733708 v 0 and under the simplifed regulatory declaration of conformity n°. No. 1829034 v 0.
Under article 34 of the “Data Processing, Files and Individual Liberties” Law of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access personal data relating to you and to require that such data be amended, corrected and deleted.
In accordance with Article 39 et seq. of the Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended in 2004 relating to Data Processing, Files and Individual Liberties, any person may require access to their personal data, and may, where appropriate, require that such personal data be corrected or deleted; this right may be exercised by writing to D.F.H.E. ADVISORS, 72 rue du faubourg Saint Honoré – 75008 PARIS, or by emailing: contact [@]



The RIVIERA-EXPAT website can be accessed 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. However, the website publisher cannot be held liable for any non-availability of the website or of the Service it offers, whether or not intentional and in particular where such non-availability is due to maintenance of the website.
RIVIERA-EXPAT makes every effort to offer its users information and tools which perform properly but cannot be held responsible for any non-availability of any features of the Site or for any other failure of the Site to operate normally.
You undertake to use the services solely for your personal use and for purposes which do not contravene public order, public morals or the rights of third parties.
You undertake not to commit any act which might put at risk the security of the website or of its information technology systems and not to interfere with the normal functioning of the Site.



Every element of the Site, in particular its structure and layout, its editorial content, and all written materials, illustrations, photographs or images, sounds and videos, etc appearing on the Site are protected under French and worldwide intellectual property laws.
Moreover, it should be noted that the name “RIVIERA-EXPAT”, as well as its advertising slogan and logo are registered trademarks. Consequently, none of the above may be used or disseminated in any manner whatsoever without the express prior written consent of RIVIERA-EXPAT.
In accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, use of the contents of the Site is only permitted for private use, and for no other purpose whatsoever, save where the Intellectual Property Code imposes different or more restrictive conditions.
Without the express prior written consent of RIVIERA-EXPAT and/or of any other relevant party, any other use or reproduction, whether in whole or in part, of the above constitutes intellectual property infringement and infringes intellectual property laws.
As a result of the above, the User undertakes not to infringe the intellectual property rights relating to the content of the Site offered pursuant to the Service. RIVIERA-EXPAT shall not be liable for any unauthorized use of the contents of the Site made available to the User by RIVIERA-EXPAT in connection with its Service.
As such, the User is liable for any loss directly or indirectly caused by his use of the Service.
Without the express prior written consent of RIVIERA-EXPAT, the User may not carry out any of the following whilst using the Service (for the avoidance of doubt the list below is non-exhaustive):
-creation of archive files using the content of the Service,
-reproduction, copying, use, making reference to: the contents (whether in whole or in part), trademarks, logos, distinguishing features of the Site or of the Service,
-copying or imitating the contents of the Site or of the Service for any purpose other than for personal use.
In the event that the above rules are infringed, RIVIERA-EXPAT reserves the right to block the User’s access to the Site and, where appropriate, to issue legal proceedings to recover damages for any loss suffered as a result.
RIVIERA-EXPAT may be required to disclose any content and/or information in order to comply with its legal obligations or where RIVIERA-EXPAT believes in good faith that such disclosure is necessary, for example as part of any legal proceedings, in particular in order to: (1) ensure compliance with these General Terms of Use, (2) respond to any complaint and/or claim alleging infringement of third party rights, or (3) protect the rights or interests of RIVIERA-EXPAT.



With the aim of improving the Service, the RIVIERA-EXPAT website uses cookies.
When accessing the Site, cookies may be left on the User’s device (PC, mobile phone or tablet). These cookies facilitate Site navigation and allow the Site services to be optimized and tailored to the User.
A “cookie” is a text file which may be left on a device when visiting the Site. Its purpose is to collect anonymous information relating to the User’s Site navigation. Only the sender of a cookie is able to read or use the information contained within it.
Cookies are sent by the Site for the following purposes:
– to compile statistics and data for visits and use of the various component parts of the Site (number of pages viewed, number of visits, activity, frequency of return visits, etc.),
– to adapt the presentation of the Site to the display preferences of the device (language, display resolution, operating system, etc.),
– to make use of the Site easier, for example by storing information relating to a User request,
– to allow the User to access reserved and personal areas of the Site, such as his personal profile, by using his personal identifiers.
You can at any time opt to deactivate cookies by selecting the appropriate system access parameters of your browser settings.



RIVIERA-EXPAT reserves the right to modify and update these terms and conditions.
You should therefore review these terms and conditions on a regular basis.



We partner with Microsoft Clarity and Microsoft Advertising to capture how you use and interact with our website through behavioral metrics, heatmaps, and session replay to improve and market our products/services. Website usage data is captured using first and third-party cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the popularity of products/services and online activity. Additionally, we use this information for site optimization, fraud/security purposes, and advertising. For more information about how Microsoft collects and uses your data, visit the Microsoft Privacy Statement